The Global Leaders – the largest exclusive senior level business network in the world – recently hosted its inaugural meeting in New York City at the prestigious Yale Club. This inaugural meeting was the first face-to-face meeting of The Global Leaders, held for individuals who are running businesses and who hold, or have held, the title of Partner, President, CEO or member of their organization’s Board of Directors. Attending members of The Global Leaders were given the opportunity to network with peers, to share information and insights, to facilitate business relationships and to agree on a way forward as a group. The meeting had an impressive turnout with over 120 key representatives attending the event.
The evening was host to two notable guest speakers— the first was Frederick Frank, former Vice Chairman of Lehman Brothers and Barclays Capital, who gave an insightful and stimulating talk on capital markets, with a focus on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and the possibilities they have going forward.
Next, spoke Ambassador Ahmad Kamal, who served as a professional diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan for close to forty years, during which time he held diplomatic postings in India, Belgium, France, the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Korea, and with the United Nations both in Geneva and in New York. He continues to be a Senior Fellow of the United Nations Institute of Training and Research and a Visiting Professor at six American universities. His speech on globalization and the change engendered by emerging markets was topical and thought-provoking.
The morning after the meeting The Global Leaders were honored at the Opening Bell Ceremony at NASDAQ. Co-Founder George Bickerstaff made a brief speech about the inaugural meeting and rang the opening bell. The ceremony was aired on BNN, Fox, Fox Business, and CNBC.
Established in 2009, The Global Leaders aims to connect people across the four pillars of business, government, education, and philanthropy through intergroup communication; such communication is achieved through providing opportunities, such as the New York City meeting, for members to meet face-to-face, network, and discuss their collective and individual impact. The Global Leaders has 40,000+ key executives in its group, including 12,800 who participate in one of the organization’s senior leadership groups. Members of The Global Leaders lead, or have led, over 10,000 global companies with revenue exceeding $7.0 trillion, assets exceeding $50 trillion and employing over 25 million people in 160+ industries and 84 countries. The Global Leaders is present in over 100 countries, supporting over 150 industries, and managing assets that total over $50 trillion. Founded less than a year ago, The Global Leaders is adding over 100 key executives per week. Upcoming meetings will be held in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
For more information on The Global Leaders, please visit
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