June 15, 2003
La Cense Montana is an 88,000-acre horse training and working cattle ranch, focused on developing premium recreational Quarter Horses—the most popular breed in the U.S., excelling at sprinting small distances—and operating top-grade Black Angus cattle (originating from Scotland) through the principles of natural ranching. La Cense Montana is the only ranch in the United States exclusively endorsed by horse trainer Pat Parelli to offer recreational Registered Quarter Horses educated under the method of Natural Horsemanship.
Each of the 100 plus head of horses is hand selected from specific breeding farms, where the horses at the ranch are foaled and raised in a natural herd environment. Each horse is chosen based on the highest standards of conformation, disposition and health, and is educated at La Cense, using the methods of Natural Horsemanship—a two-year program. The horses are then sold as recreational horses, offering horse lovers of all levels and experience the chance to enjoy strong, sound and safe horses with positive temperaments, good discipline, and great skills at adjusting to new situations – and to find out what it is to form a true partnership between horse and rider.
La Cense also offers high-quality Black Angus cow-calf pairs of a genetically pure line developed at the ranch over many years.
The ranch gives expression to the passion that owner William Kriegel feels for Quarter Horses and their training. It is a means for sharing his love of horses and his desire to promote a special partnership between horse and rider that he knows is possible.
Located along the western slopes of the Blacktail Mountain range in Southwest Montana, La Cense Montana extends across 122 square miles of varying foothill and mountain terrain. The ranch‘s main facilities, including a 60,000 sq. ft. Indoor arena, two outdoor arenas and multiple barns, sit at an elevation of 5,300 feet, approximately 10 miles south of the small college town of Dillon, Montana – a historic Old-West town, listed by Forbes Magazine as one of “America’s Prettiest Towns.”
La Cense Montana
4600 Carrigan Lane
Dillon, Montana 59725
t: 406-683-8777
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